Tuesday, 19 February 2013

The uncovered treasure

About what is the core of God's Love

It has been said that
if God's Love lied in following His orders
then Angels would have been sufficient for Him
as His creation;
for they are so obedient
that they never fail in fulfilling His issued orders.

But the Human being has the capacity
to align himself with God's Love
to reach the Heart of God's Love
without orders being issued
that is the highest capacity of Love

By doing so, the Human being raises in status above the angels
when he knows what to do and do it without being told or ordered to.

i feel that it is because God wants the human being to be
where up to now
no other creation has reached
and the door of it
is called the highest of manners

when you do something out of sheer love and generosity
without being told or ordered to do it
this is a very refined and respectful manner,
when you do it for God
anticipating His Joy
without Him lowering Himself to ask of you anything.

 And indeed, you are of a great moral character.
[Al Qalam-68:4]

actually, it is YOU who cared to care for Him
while in general it is always Him who cares for you.

It is not that God is in need of anything
but He gives you the opportunity never given to any other creation so far,
the one of addressing yourself to Him
without any intermediary.

French and English version :


Vous vous demandez peut-être pourquoi nous crions lorsque nous sommes fâché?
Voici une réponse inspirée d'un sage hindou.

Un sage hindou qui était en visite au Gange pour prendre un bain remarqua un groupe de personnes criant de colère les uns après les autres. 
Il se tourna vers ses disciples, sourit et demanda: « Savez-vous pourquoi les gens crient les uns sur les autres lorsqu'ils sont en colère? »

Les disciples y pensèrent pendant un moment et l'un d'eux dit : « C'est parce que nous perdons notre calme que nous crions. »

« Mais pourquoi criez vous quand l'autre personne est juste à côté de vous?», demanda le guide.

« Pourriez-vous tout aussi bien lui dire ce que vous avez à dire d'une manière plus douce? »

Après qu'aucune des réponses des disciples ne fut suffisamment satisfaisante pour le sage, il expliqua 

« Quand deux personnes sont en colère l'une contre l'autre, leurs coeurs sont séparés par une grande distance. Pour couvrir cette distance, ils doivent crier, car sinon ils sont incapables de s'entendre l'un et l'autre. Plus ils sont en colère et plus ils auront besoin de crier fort pour s'entendre l'un et l'autre pour arriver à couvrir cette grande distance.»

« Qu'est-ce qui se passe lorsque deux personnes tombent en amour? Ils ne crient pas à l'autre, mais ils se parlent doucement parce que leurs coeurs sont très proches. La distance entre eux est soit inexistante, soit très faible.»

Le sage continua...

« Quand ils s'aiment encore plus, que se produit-il ? Ils ne se parlent pas, ils chuchotent et obtiennent encore plus de proximité et plus d'amour. Enfin vient un moment où ils n'ont même plus besoin de chuchoter, ils se regardent seulement l'un et l'autre et se comprennent. »

Puis il regarda ses disciples et leur dit :

« Ainsi quand vous discutez les uns avec les autres ne laissez pas vos coeurs s'éloigner. Ne dites pas les mots qui vous éloignent davantage, ou bien viendra un jour où la distance sera si grande que vous ne trouverez pas le chemin du retour.»

English Version

"Why do people shout at one another when they are angry?"
We said, "They shout because they are angry and they want to express their anger," and Baba responded, "Yes, they can express their anger that way, but even if someone is seated at their side they will shout at that person. Could they not speak softly?" We volunteered different explanations, saying different things which came to mind at the time, but our answers did not satisfy Baba. So He gave us the answer. "When a person is angry with another person," He said, "that person is far removed from his heart and distance is created between them. That's why the physical reaction is to shout, and the greater the distance, the greater is the shouting. Love disappears and one goes on shouting at the other who in turn barks back at him. Then he barks and so it goes on and on." But Baba did not stop there as He doubtlessly wanted us to see the same thing from a different angle. So He continued, "Now take the other case of two people in love. When two individuals are in love with each other, how do they speak?" "They speak softly," we answered. "Yes," Baba agreed, "they do speak softly and the greater the love between them, the softer is their tone of speech. And when they are still further in love, no words are needed and they just look at each other, and eventually there is not even the need to look — no need at all." Well, that is the reason why Meher Baba observed silence. There was no need for an exchange of words. It was very good to hear that, to be reminded that He was so very close to us; as He has said, "I am closer to you than your very breath."

source : http://www.avatarmeherbaba.org/erics/whysilen.html

Have you read this colored extract?
This is what Life teaches us.
with the passing of Time
it seems
everything starts failing
you seem to live in an ailing society
part of an ailing religion, organisation, or values
and even yourself you are little by little becoming an ailing person
and your physical abilities are failing you.

Yet the energy that makes you fail, can make you win.

"the greater the love between them, the softer is their tone of speech. And when they are still further in love, no words are needed and they just look at each other, and eventually there is not even the need to look — no need at all."

Divine Energy merely follows its course
as rivers do

it is only that we happen to be on a Her track
that we can witness Her movements from within
and we happen also to be very loving people
deeply loving ones

but the thing is
that we have misplaced the love
we put it and attached it on to things which are to perish
instead of the Ever-Present One.

the ailing or seemingly failing abilities of ours
are nothing more of a loss or gain
than are the passing of days and nights
they just have to roll on
and recycle themselves
to a new creation

for everything has to perish
except the Face of God

and He shines everyday into a new light.

"the greater the love between them, the softer is their tone of speech.
this is why with the passing of time
it feels like the true messages of the messengers
is now only a whisper

but it is only an interpretation of what is in your heart.
for a dis-eased heart, it is called stories of old.
hence the loss of the Real Message.

for truly loving hearts
it only means that they have to recognise the same True Eternal God
shining into His New Light

indeed as with the passing of Time
only His Love increases
thus only those who are willing to let go of the noise of the speach
and then of the sight
let go of any intercession
and are in DIRECT touch with the Power within :

Tell them that I am nearer to them
than their own jugular vein
Tell them that I am nearer to them
than their own breath

the apparent failure
is only called so
because old ways are failing
if you remain attached to them to look for God
yes you will fail, get drown with them.

if you let them go
you nearer your self to God
in a way
never ever achieved by other people of the past.

for God shines into a new creation every day
stake are highers
ie risk is higher to lose the way seeing everything failing around you
but if you pass through this illusion of failure
the reward is higher than ever,

and of course
His light can only be more beautiful
with the passing of days and nights


And when they are still further in love, no words are needed and they just look at each other,
and eventually there is not even the need to look — no need at all."

eventually there is not even the need to look — no need at all."

This is why Time has existed
for us to see it going
and seeing that love is not measurable by it
for if it were
love intensity would not have lied into the deep silence
which testimony is everyday experienced by lovers of all realms
though they may be unconscious of it.